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Phil Roe President, Logistics UK

Changing the face of logistics

In less than two years, the Generation Logistics initiative has significantly raised awareness about career opportunities in the logistics sector. However, the campaign is far from complete, writes Phil Roe of Logistics UK. The initiative will now expand into UK classrooms to inspire the next generation of logistics professionals.

It’s incredible to think that Generation Logistics, the campaign set up jointly by CILT (UK) and Logistics UK and backed by the government and more than 50 industry sponsors, is less than two years old. In that time, we have made significant strides to create and build awareness of our sector, and the careers we offer.

From a standing start, independent research has shown that we have increased the appeal of the sector among our target audience by an amazing 170 per cent and have created more than 3.7 million engagements with our content across social media. However, the key task we set ourselves at the outset – to make sure that everyone is aware of the great career opportunities available in our sector – is far from over. If we were to stop now, we would only have influenced one cohort of people, but there are still many who are unaware of the wide range of exciting and fulfilling careers that our industry has to offer.

That’s why I’m delighted to say that, alongside our ongoing PR and social media campaign (which continues to achieve high levels of engagement with young people), this year we are holding the first Generation Logistics Week in partnership with our education provider partners, STEM Learning and National Careers Week, from 24-28 June 2024. The week will provide teachers and students with a focused week of activities, resources, Ambassador engagement and inspiration designed to make logistics careers relevant and engaging for students nationwide.

Our Education Hub website has been launched, packed with curriculum-mapped classroom materials suitable for students from KS3-KS5 (S1-S6). As well as a comprehensive careers guide, the site also contains engaging short activities, lesson plans, resources and other student-ready tools designed specifically to encourage curiosity about the sector and the opportunities it offers. During the week, vidcasts and interactive social media content will encourage students to think again about our sector and consider making it their long-term career. There will also be the opportunity for virtual work experience for young recruits, and school visits hosted by the campaign’s network of ambassadors.

If you know any teachers who might be interest in getting involved in the week, or in finding out more about logistics careers in general, please direct them towards the Education Hub, which is totally free to use.
Meanwhile, please make sure you are following our social media feeds – just search ‘Generation Logistics’ on your platform of choice, and encourage any young people who might be seeking inspiration for their future careers to do the same.

We all know how fulfilling and exciting a career in logistics can be – Generation Logistics Week offers an exciting opportunity to bring that excitement into the UK’s classrooms and inspire the next generation of logistics professionals.

For more information about Generation Logistics Week, visit: www.educationhub.generationlogistics.org

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